Pokey, the Slowest Elf

Pokey, the Slowest Elf

When the sun comes up on the glistening snow,
The elves at the North Pole are ready to go.

They get straight to work with a grin and a song,
But, of course with this crew, something always goes wrong!

Pokey the elf causes so much to-do
He’s slow at his work, and it makes him feel blue.

You see, Pokey’s problem…are his monstrous feet.
His toes are so long, they need their own seat!

They’re huge, they’re ginormous, gigantic, and large.
Poor Pokey; his feet are as big as a barge.

And you know that those elves, they all wear the same shoe.
A pointy-toed style, in pink, red, and blue.

But none of the elf shoes come close to fitting,
For Pokey’s big shoes, they need extra knitting.

The elves into sewing, they always make fun
Of Pokey’s elf shoes, when they are all done.

They hold them up, and snicker and laugh
“These shoes are so long they could fit a giraffe!”

“Everyone knows elves are meant to be small!
 These shoes look like they belong to someone who’s tall!”

Pokey walks slow, he simply can’t run.
Jogging is out, and the elves all poke fun.

He can’t join in skiing, and never ice-skating.
Too slow to make toys, he keeps everyone waiting.

And each time he’s late, and he gets into trouble,
He tries to rush, and it just takes him double!

The head elf Bruno, cries, “Pokey, not again!”
With your fumbling around, I simply can’t win!”

“What will it take to get you to hustle?
You’re causing this Christmas to lose all its bustle!”

And Pokey replies, with such a long face,
“I’m sorry Bruno, this isn’t my place.”

“Elves have small feet, so they can be quick!
But mine are so big, I can’t help St. Nick!”

But Pokey takes heart; he’s got a job to do.
He’s in charge of the fires, chimney, grate, and the flu!

For the North Pole is cold, and the rooms are quite bitter.
And Pokey hates seeing teeth go chatter-chitter.

So he keeps up the fires in toys, mail, and wrapping
He scrapes up the ashes, he’s great at de-sapping!

Nothing makes Pokey feel more proud
Then to warm up a freezing, shivering crowd.

But one day while Pokey was gathering coal
To warm up the elf choir after a stroll,

He took SOOO long, he returned to a fright…
One of those elves had suffered frostbite!

“Pokey!” said Bruno, the head elf in charge,
“Your feet!  They’re a nuisance!  They’re simply too large!”

“This poor elf is frozen, and it is your job
To make sure he’s warm,” Bruno said with a sob.

Poor Pokey just couldn’t believe what he saw.
It was his fault that this elf needed  to thaw!

 And Pokey replied, with such a long face,
“I’m sorry Bruno, this isn’t my place.”

“Elves have small feet, so they can be quick!
But mine are so big, I can’t help St. Nick!”

“Pokey,” said Bruno, “I’m sorry to say…”
“Those feet have such girth, they get in the way.”

“If you can’t keep the fires all aglow,
I’m afraid we will be forced to let you go.”

“Consider yourself on Elf Probation
With days like this, I could use a vacation!”

And as Pokey turned, to get back to work
His feet tripped him up, and he fell with a jerk.

His clothes and his face were covered with coal.
Black smudges and dirt covered him whole.

The elves all around him started to joke.
And Pokey slowly left with a tear and a choke.

Poor Pokey felt so sad and so lonely,
“So what if I’m slow? I know that if only…

Christmas would just slow down a bit,
My supersized feet could be such a hit.

He went to the forest, to gather more wood.
A warm, blazing fire would do him some good.

As he swung down his axe, into a pear tree,
He heard a “Chirp Chirp!” oh so suddenly.

“Hello, little friend, was this your bird house?”
This feathered friend was no bigger than a mouse.

The bird fluttered down, sweet as can be…
And Pokey realized, “A partridge in a pear tree!”

“Go on, fly away, don’t you see my huge feet?
They’re much too big,” but Partridge said “Tweet, tweet!”

She fluttered and cuddled, swooped above and below.
“You silly old bird! Can’t you see that I’m slow?”

“Why hang around me, when away you can fly?”
But that sweet dear old Partridge, she had found just the guy.

And as he finished gathering up his kindling,
He found with this partridge a brand new friendling.

They traipsed slowly back to Santa’s workshop,
On Pokey’s elf shoulder, that partridge did plop.

But when they arrived, such a scene met there eyes,
It was the very most worstest kind of surprise.

While Pokey was gone, those elves stole his socks.
They hung them all up, and filled them with rocks.

On every ledge, and on every fireplace
Hung Pokey’s socks, “OH, what a disgrace.”

They were all ruined, their pointy-toes killed,
For each and every sock, with coal they were filled.

As Pokey began so sadly to cry,
Santa Claus, just happened to walk by.

“What’s this?” he said, seeing Pokey’s sad face.
“What on Earth has happened to this place?”

And just then that Partridge grabbed a small doll
Loosened her beak, and let it fall…

It landed with a squish and a plop,
Into Pokey’s large sock’s top.

“Why, what an idea!  Such large, special feet!”
The perfect place to hold all my Yuletide treats!”

“Every child in the world has one pair of socks,
But why are these filled up with coal rocks?”

“That seems to be Naughty, not Christmas at all.
My elves know better, now clean up this hall!”

“These socks, hanging there, all in a row…
Who’s big feet own them?” He asked of Bruno.

“They’re Pokey’s,” said Bruno, “he keeps all the fires.”
And Santa said, “Pokey, you’ve filled my desires.”

You might have big feet, you might not be quick,
But that doesn’t mean you can’t help St. Nick!

From now on all toys will be placed in a sock,
A stocking, we’ll call it, so no one can mock.

Your feet are just perfect, they’re what makes you YOU!
And from this day forward you shall never feel blue.

Good friends always love us, no matter what!
And Pokey pet Partridge, and his shame he forgot.

“Why Pokey,” said Santa, “how extremely rare!”
“Why that Partridge is from a  Tree of Pear!”

On this first day of Christmas, you’ve found a true love,
One Partridge is better than two turtle doves!

“So Children, hang your stockings by the chimney with care,
And hope that my reindeer and I will be there.”

And if you are good, we will fill them right up!
But if you are naughty, with coal you are stuck.

So Pokey helped Santa, because of his toes.
And the elves learned a lesson, now everyone knows!

It doesn’t matter if you’re too slow, or too fast.
We, each one, are special, and good friends will last.

So when those reindeer to your door come knocking,
Be sure that you’ve hung up your Christmas stocking!

Thanks to Pokey and Partridge, a friendship so rare,
We can all hang our stockings, and say our prayers!

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