Mistle, the Loneliest Elf

Mistle, the Loneliest Elf

When Christmas rolls around each year,
We want to have our loved ones near.
The North Pole elves are just the same…
Although they love their Christmas game,

They also like some peace and quiet
After Yuletide’s rowdy riot!
But there’s an elf that’s never got
Enough hugs and kisses, and warm thoughts.

Her name is Mistle, and she’s so loving,
Her tight embraces feel like shoving!

She only wants a friend to love,
An elf to always be thinking of.

So she writes love notes, and blows kisses
Her aim is great, she never misses!

She hugs the snowmen, and the ‘deer…
She’s a softy, that much is clear.

But after being hugged tighter than a glove,
Mistle knows the others don’t return her love.

So she always says with one big sigh,
“I guess that one’s not my guy!”

“I know there’s an elf I’m meant to care for,
Friends to hug, kiss, and adore!”

“Bake them treats and play in the snow…
Be there for them, if they’re feeling low.
I don’t know why I must be so lonely,
So I’ll keep waiting for my one and only.”

Sweet Mistle’s charming as a dove,
But Mistle’s JOB is not to love.

She is an elf in the department of wrapping.
The bows, ribbons, and present trapping.

All the millions of Christmas toys
Must be wrapped for the girls and boys.

In festive paper, with a tag
Before they’re put in Santa’s bag.

Poor Mistle finds this job a bore.
With no one to talk to, it’s quite a chore.

So one day Mistle decided to send
A holiday greeting to the elf at the end…

Of the wrapping conveyor belt.
She carefully sketched out the words that she felt.

She signed it with friendly X’s and O’s
And nudged it along with her elfie elbows.

As it went down the line, every elf read
The mushiest, lovingest words Mistle said.

It gots them a laughin’, chucklin’, even cryin’!
When there were hundreds of bows to be tyin’!
The Head Elf Bruno came in to inspect
How many packages there were to be checked.

“Why you’ve only wrapped thru half the day’s goal!
What on Earth has all your time stole?”

“It’s Mistle,” said Jingle (the elf at the end).
She sent me this note, “To my handsome friend!”

“It blocked up the line, b/c it was TOO kind!
My friends are all laughing, and now we’re behind!”

And Bruno said, “Mistle, keep that to yourself!
Nobody likes a mushy elf!”

And Mistle said with quite a big sigh,
“I’m sorry, Bruno.  Guess he’s not my guy.”

“I know there’s an elf I’m meant to care for,
Friends to hug, kiss, and adore!”

“Bake them treats and play in the snow…
Be there for them, if they’re feeling low.
I don’t know why I must be so lonely,
So I’ll keep waiting for my one and only.”

The next day Santa Claus called a big meeting.
“Elves,” he called, “I know this is cheating…”

“But I’m out of ideas for my sweet wife.
I’ve never been stumped for a gift in my life!”

“She’s got ever toy that’s ever been made,
She’s got a turtleneck in every shade!
She’s got plenty of glitz, plenty of bling…
She’s full up on sweets, and don’t need a thing!”

“I need an idea for my Mrs. Claus,
One that’s sure to get real applause.”

“Something that’s different, one of a kind,
That will get me out of this bind!”

“A train set?” asked Bruno, “A new fur?”
Santa frowned, “No, not for her.”

So the elves thought, and thought, and thought
But empty heads were all they got.

“Oh dear,” said Bruno, “what will we do?
Christmas will be ruined, we’re all through!”

But Mistle came up with a brilliant gift,
“Santa,” she said, “Mrs. Claus won’t be miffed…”

“If you give her something so sweet,
They bestest nicest Christmas treat…”

“Kisses and Hugs and an extra cuddle!”
But Santa looked at Mistle puzzled.

“A KISS?” he said, “That’s all we’ve got?
Dear Elf, I think I would be shot!”

“I’m Santa Claus!  The present King!
I’ve got to find the perfect thing.”

“There’s nothing in the North Pole that will do.
I’m sure Mrs.Claus’ Christmas will be blue.”

Bruno led Mistle out to the hall.
“Mistle,” he whispered, “are you thinking at all?”

“A kiss?” he hissed, “I’m so ashamed.”
“Go back to your wrapping,” Bruno blamed.

But Mistle did not do what Bruno said.
She set out to help Santa Claus instead.

She packed a bag of extra clothes,
With a candy cane (for a snack, I suppose.)

And as she set out for the Winter Wonderland
She left a note to Bruno of her plans.

“I’m setting out!  Don’t worry, boss.
I’ll find the gift for Mrs. Claus.”

“Santa loves his wifey so very much
I won’t rest till that gift is in my clutch!”

When Bruno got that note from Mistle
He let out a worried whistle.

“Oh no,” he said, “I’m so afraid…
That she is sad from my tirade.”

“But she’ll come back, I’m sure she will.
We’ve just got so many stockings to fill!”

I don’t have time for a rescue search!
How can she leave me in the lurch?

Meanwhile, Mistle was on the lookout
She would find something, she had no doubt.

But then something strange caught her eye.
It was way up in a tree, but she had to try.
What could it be? Surely not a bloom?
Snow and Ice would be its doom!

We never see anything growing green!
It’s too cold, the weather too mean!

So up she climbed in a tall pine…
“That pretty blossom must be mine!”

But when Mistle got to one small branch…
She knew she simply had no chance.

It was just out of Mistle’s grasp
And to the branch she tightly clasped.

“Oh dear,” she thought; “now I am stuck.”
“Wouldn’t you know, just my luck!”

“Things can’t get worse,” was her gloomy song…
But sadly, lonely Mistle, well, she was wrong.

A nasty growl filled the sky
The abominable snowman came stomping by!

When it comes to nasty reputations,
This monster’s the worst in all the nation!
He’s the snowman every elf dreads!
He’s filled half of the elf hospital beds!

Mistle was trembling, with no where to go
She reached as far she could with her pinky toe.
He sniffed the air, and turned slowly around…
Poor Mistle fainted straight to the ground.

When she woke up, she saw something so grand,
That Abominable Snowman with bloom in hand!

“You helped me?” she whimpered, “Get that flower?”
“Why, I’ve been in that tree for over an hour!”

He shook “no” with his massive head.
It was twice the size of Santa’s sled!

He pointed down at Mistle on the ground below,
She had trapped those berries with her cute little toe

How funny said Mistle, “but now we must part.”
But that terrible snowman put his paw to his heart.

Mistle cried, “Why, you’re just as lonely as me!”
Everyone thinks you’re as mean as can be!”

“Come back with me to Santa’s workshop…
You’d be perfect for the star on the top…

Of our special Christmas pine…
Please Mr. Snowman, will you be mine?”

And they hugged as tight as two best friends,
“Now we must get back, on us Santa depends!”

Back in the toy room, Bruno was starting to miss…
An elf always there with a cuddle and kiss.

“Where is Mistle, isn’t she back?
We just can’t seem to get on track!”

“It’s hard to make toys without any love!
So, now I know what Mistle’s thinking of!”

But just as Bruno was needing an embrace,
Mistle burst in with her rosy-cheeked face.

“Santa! I’ve found it!” she shouted with glee!
“You just wait, she’ll love it, you’ll see!”

When Mrs. Claus opened it, on Christmas night,
And saw that sprig, with its berries of white…

Her eyes were filled with tears of joy.
A present so different for her to enjoy.

“I never knew flowers could grow in this snow!
Thank you, Dear Santa, for letting me know!”

“Each time I see it, of you I will think.
And give you a kiss,” she said with a wink.

“Don’t you know, your love is all I need?
That’s what Christmas is about,” She decreed.

Well, Santa looked sheepish, and hung his head…
For that is exactly what Mistle had said.

“A very brave and loving elf
Set out to find this gift by herself!”

“Mistle and her toe have saved the day!
Everyone needs love sent their way.”

From now on where e’re you go
This white blossom will be called Mistletoe

“This flower has truly made my night,
A turkey and Mistletoe sure make the season bright!”

So Mistle saved Christmas, by finding a sprig
And also found herself a much better gig.

Wrapping was just not Mistle’s style.
She and her friend Abominable took quite a while…

But together they started a job that never stressed her,
They’re the new huggable teddy bear testers!

They line up the bears and give them a squeeze…
Compared to the wrapping, this one’s a breeze!
And Mistle was never lonely again.
She found her special, loveable friend.

And each year when Christmas rolls around,
There’s one place where couples are sure to be found.

A hug and a kiss will make your heart grow…
If you sit under the Mistletoe!

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